Giphy Capture, para capturar en formato GIF HD animado cualquier área en pantalla [Mac]

Fco. José Hidalgo en Wwwhat's new? - Hace 7 horas
GIFGrabber ha sido hasta la fecha una interesante herramienta disponible de forma gratuita para Mac permitiendo a los usuarios la conversión de fragmentos de vídeos en animaciones GIF. La propia herramienta entra en su versión 2.2 de forma muy mejorada y pasando a llamarse Giphy Capture, permitiendo ahora capturar y convertir cualquier cosa disponible en

New role identified for scars at the site of injured spinal cord

For decades, it was thought that scar-forming cells called astrocytes were responsible for blocking neuronal regrowth across the level of spinal cord injury, but recent findings challenge this idea. According to a new mouse study, astrocyte scars may actually be required for repair and regrowth following spinal cord injury.

Senate bill draft would prohibit unbreakable encryption

A draft version of a Senate bill would effectively prohibit unbreakable encryption and require companies to help the government access data on a computer or mobile device with a warrant.

El telescopio espacial Hitomi sigue dando tumbos sin control (Wicho) en Microsiervos - Hace 8 horas
[image: Hitomi dando tumbos el 2 de abril de 2016] Hitomi dando tumbos el 2 de abril de 2016 La Agencia Japonesa de Exploración Aeroespacial ha dado una rueda de prensa con información actualizada acerca del estado del observatorio espacial de rayos X Hitomi, con el que no tienen contacto desde el 26 de marzo de 2016. El resumen está en este PDF en japonés. Al parecer aquel día después de una observación sin problemas de la Nebulosa del Cangrejo le enviaron órdenes a Hitomi para que cambiara de orientación para observar el quasar Mkn 205 en Draco y poco después de comenzar esta ob... más »

Ciudad de México pretende eliminar la tarifa dinámica de Uber

Félix Palazuelos en Hipertextual - Hace 8 horas
[image: Ciudad de México pretende eliminar la tarifa dinámica de Uber] Miguel Ángel Mancera, jefe de Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, anuncia que regulará las tarifas de Uber para evitar más "abusos". Los "abusos" a los que se refiere el señor Mancera son los *costos más elevados de lo habitual que algunos clientes de Uber tuvieron que pagar*, previo aviso en la aplicación, por realizar un trayecto. Será el gobierno de la Ciudad de México quien* determine las tarifas que se usen en la capital*, advierte el jefe de gobierno. El gobierno adoptó medidas extraordinarias esta semana en p... más »

Body Dysmorphic Disorder symptoms improve, relapse preventable with sustained medication

People with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) fare better and are less likely to relapse when treated with medication on a long-term basis, according to researchers.

Most patients likely to see reductions in pain and disability after bariatric surgery

In the three years following bariatric surgery, the majority of patients experienced an improvement in pain and walking ability, as well as a lessening of the degree to which back or leg pain interfered with work, according an analysis of a multi-site clinical study.

Gender perceptions of sexual harassment can influence workplace policy effectiveness

Although 98 percent of all organizations have sexual harassment policies, sexual harassment remains an issue in the workplace. Researchers are evaluating how employees' interpretations of sexual harassment policies can invalidate the purpose of the policies. They found that employee perceptions of how exactly 'sexual harassment' is defined by a company's policy can, in effect, eliminate or reshape the meaning of these policies and contradict the norms and values of the companies that try to enforce them.

Changing monsoon patterns, more rain contribute to lower tea yield in Chinese provinces

Longer monsoon seasons with increased daily rainfall, aspects of climate change, are contributing to reduced tea yield in regions of China, with implications for crop management and harvesting strategies, according to findings by a global interdisciplinary team led by Tufts University researchers and published online today in Climate.

Team identifies clathrate ices in comet 67P

For decades, scientists have agreed that comets are mostly water ice, but what kind of ice—amorphous or crystalline—is still up for debate. Looking at data obtained by ESA's Rosetta spacecraft in the atmosphere, or coma, around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, scientists at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) are seeing evidence of a crystalline form of ice called clathrates.

Experts caution self-driving cars aren't ready for roads

Self-driving cars are more likely to hurt than help public safety because of unsolved technical issues, engineers and safety advocates told the government Friday, countering a push by innovators to speed government approval.

NASA: Global warming is now changing how Earth wobbles

Global warming is shifting the way the Earth wobbles on its polar axis, a new NASA study finds.

A single ion impacts a million water molecules

EPFL researchers have found that water molecules are 10,000 times more sensitive to ions than previously thought.

Scientists discover how Chinese medicinal plant makes anti-cancer compound

New research led by Professor Cathie Martin of the John Innes Centre has revealed how a plant used in traditional Chinese medicine produces compounds which may help to treat cancer and liver diseases.

A twist on Hanbury Brown—Twiss interferometry offers new approach for remote sensing

A team from the University of Rochester has shown that fluctuations in "twisted light" could be exploited for a range of applications, from detecting rotating black holes to object detection by lidar, the light-equivalent of radar.