Day 1 — Singapore, Singapore

Singapore, Singapore

After 13hours of flying we arrived in Singapore. We went straight from the clean airport to our hostel in Mount Emily. The hostel was nice, however in the bed opposite me was a very very large man that could snoe and make the room tremble!
We walked around Chinatown and Little India, both of which were busy, with shop crammed everywhere and had people cooking out of the smallest delis/kitchens ever. The markets were incredible with sellers swinging massive knives which looked more like machettes to slice the fruit and fresh fish. I didn't know what half the fruit was, and the bananas were bigger than my arm.
We saw a couple of crazy looking temples and synagogs being worshipped at, with hundreds of shoes being left outside before they entered.
The night safari was incredible, at at all how imagined it to be and again very busy. It was so strange to be going around on a tram like vehicle through the jungle and being a 50ft from elephants, tigers and hippos etc. It did however feel what I imagined Jurassic Park to have started off like!

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